I can't say ... what is missing? Can you figure out what makes Zathura unhappy?
I run gdb with breakpoint set on zathura/synctex.c:86 and while `synctex_get_input_line_column` returns true, `input_file` is `NULL` so the "else" branch is executed. That is all I managed to debug, I don't know how I could step into the SyncTeX function.
here with
\starttext Hello, world! \stoptext
i get
SyncTeX Version:1 Input:1:oeps.tex Output:pdf Magnification:1000 Unit:1 X Offset:0 Y Offset:0 Content: !103 {1 [0,0:0,0:0,0,0 v0,0:0,55380990:39158276,55380990,0 h1,6:4661756,9176901:4275840,655360,327680 ] !104 }1 !8 Postamble: Count:3 !22 Post scriptum:
(also with context --synctex oeps)
For me it generated a slightly smaller file:
SyncTeX Version:1 Input:1:/home/nawordar/projects/zathura/build/oeps.tex Output:pdf Magnification:1000 Unit:1 X Offset:0 Y Offset:0 Content: !141 {1 [0,0:0,0:0,0,0 v0,0:0,55380990:39158276,55380990,0 ] !61 }1 !7 Postamble: Count:2 !22 Post scriptum:
Similarly to previous examples, `mtxrun --script synctex --list oeps.synctex` only showed me that much: ``` mtx-synctex | begin page: 1 mtx-synctex | end page: 1 ``` When I executed it on your SyncTeX file, it showed one line more: ``` mtx-synctex | begin page: 1 mtx-synctex | [ 71 135 136 149] : 6 : oeps.tex mtx-synctex | end page: 1 ``` Still, with both files Zathura gave me the same error :/. It is really weird though, that ConTeXt generated a different SyncTeX file for me for the same exact file and command. The versions of ConTeXt and SyncTeX: ``` $ synctex help This is SyncTeX command line utility, version 1.5 usage: synctex <subcommand> [options] [args] Synchronize TeXnology command-line client, version 1.21 $ context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 1.04 ```
btw, the script approach permits two way sync, so in texshop one can go from pdf to source and source to pdf
Could you send me the exact commands for that? I can't get any meaningful output from `mtxrun --script synctex` either. It always prints me just an empty line. All the options described in usage look like they are for going to source code. [1]: https://github.com/pwmt/zathura/blob/9bc3e9bfafc11a526b6f94d62b8da5ac209f6da...