On 30 May 2024, at 15:15, Gerion Entrup
wrote: Let's begin with a minimal example: ``` \define[2]\MyChapter{% #1 #2: \structureuservariable{subtitle} (\structureuservariable{intro}) }
Stop there! Use \definehead to create your own variation of a heading - much more robust. Something like the following (untested): \startsetups PlaceSubTitleAndIntro % Set font and and style etc for the subtitle here \structureuservariable(subtitle) % Set font and style etc for the intro text here \structureuservariable(intro) \stopsetups \definehead [MyChapter] [chapter] \setuphead [MyChapter] [ style={...}, % heading style after={\setup{PlaceSubTitleAndIntro}}, ] \starttext \startMyChapter[title={Foo}] [ subtitle={Bar}, intro={Some explanation}, ] The text of the chapter \stopMyChapter \stoptext — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK