On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Michael Saunders
What I would really, really, like is to add short definitions to each glossary record that could pop up as tooltips when the reader hovers over an unfamiliar word. Since there is no mechanism for glossaries in Context, there is no mechanism to build this into, but I'm still interested in doing it. The idea is, I could write something like:
\gloss{strange word}{short definition}
The text would read "strange word". When you hover over it with the cursor, a tooltip would appear saying "short definition". It would be great if this were linked to a glossary mechanism so I wouldn't have to keep writing the short definition---I could say something like:
\gloss{strange word}
and its short definition would be looked up automatically for the tooltip. The automatic reference to the word might look like this, in the text:
\gref{strange word}
which would cause the page number at that point to be printed at the end of the glossary entry for "strange word".
I don't know how to make tooltips, but everything else is in the file attached.