\setuptabulate[footer=repeat] has no effect, so is this a bug or if something has been changed? And \setuptabulate[header=repeat] can only repeat a single row(see the minimal example below). So is this a bug or is it never been implemented or thought like this? TIA for any help or feedback. Minimal example: \starttext \setuptabulate[header=repeat, footers=repeat] \starttabulatehead \HL \NC A \NC B \NC C \NC \NR \NC D \NC E \NC F \NC \NR \HL \stoptabulatehead \starttabulatetail \HL \stoptabulatetail \startluacode context.starttabulate{"|c|c|c|"} for i=1,200 do context.NC() context("G") context.NC() context("H") context.NC() context("I") context.NC() context.NR() end context.stoptabulate() \stopluacode \stoptext The example and its output are attached.