Dear ConTeXt user manual editors, Am Freitag, den 25.03.2011, 01:03 +0100 schrieb Paul Menzel:
Am Freitag, den 25.03.2011, 00:31 +0100 schrieb Paul Menzel:
in table 2.1 on page 19 in the ConTeXt user manual [1] in chapter 2 »Documents« there seems to be a space missing and the Dutch word is appended to the command.
\componentonderdeel name
2. Additionally there is a typo in the column title of table 2.1: s/componnent/component/.
3. On pages 22 and 23 in the examples for the components the command(?) `\project demos` is missing. (At least it is marked as required in table 2.1.)
4. On page 23 `project.tex` is referenced for the project file, but `demos.tex` is used in the example.
5. On page 25 it should be »… ConTeXt provide*s* …«. Thanks, Paul
PS: Will an updated version be published sometime?