in my example I have set the numbers in the margin. In fact of using the twoside layout I get the numbers only for odd pages in the margin. Is this also possible for the even pages, just like "header 1.2" instead of "1.2 header"? Herbert \definepapersize[DE][width=10cm,height=12cm] \setuppapersize [DE][DE] \setuplayout[width=8cm,height=10cm] \setuparranging[doublesided] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \setupheads[alternative=margin,align=outer] \starttext \chapter{Foo} \section{A long title} \input knuth \section{A long title} \section{A long title} \input knuth \chapter{Bar} \section{A long title} \input knuth \section{A long title} \input knuth \section{A long title} \input knuth \section{A long title} \input knuth \stoptext