On 2014-03-26 19:35, Rik Kabel wrote, originally with the subject "Caption whitespace overflows page":
How can I get rid of the space at the top of the first line of text on page three in the following MWE. The \setupfloats[spaceafter=none] masks the problem rather than addresses the problem directly. Playing with the size of the figures (changing them to 3cm) shows that the caption text is not pushed to the second page, just some whitespace imputed to them. This happens with TL2013 and with the latest (20140325) standalone beta.
I may be able to get away with the figure overflowing into the footnote space by avoiding footnotes, but the space on the next page is just ugly.
\setuppapersize[A6] \setupexternalfigures[location={local,default}] \setupfloats[spaceafter=none] \starttext \input{knuth} \placefigure[left]{Caption} {\startcombination[1*3] {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][height=2cm]}{cow} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][height=2cm]}{cow} {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][height=2cm]}{cow} \stopcombination} \input{knuth}
\input{knuth} \stoptext
Can anyone suggest a fix for this, or declare that there is nothing that can be done except to change the page content? It is still a problem. The problem is not with caption space /per se/, but with the space taken for the figure as a whole. I would think that, once the page with the figure is finalized, additional reserved whitespace below it can be discarded. I did notice that it was also raised without apparent resolution in March 2007 (http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context%40ntg.nl/msg21269.html). -- Rik Kabel