On 19 May 2022, at 18:22, Wolfgang Schuster via ntg-context <ntg-context@ntg.nl> wrote:

You have to provide a minimal example, in the following the example the text within the frame isn't indented.

I cannot always provide a minimal example (how much I would like to) as my TeX is produced in a pipeline from 5600 lines of lua and METAPOST code.

But luckily, in this case I can, the one using \phrasetext is indented, the other one is not.:



\setupphrasetext[en][metamodelexplanation=  {Only direct relations are shown. Abstract elements are expanded so only real meta­model elements are shown. Uses the Mastering ArchiMate 9-colour scheme to assist learning and quick reading.}]


\setlayer[coremodel][preset=lefttop,voffset=6cm]{\framed[frame=off,align=flushleft,width=\textwidth]{Only direct relations are shown. Abstract elements are expanded so only real meta­model elements are shown. Uses the Mastering ArchiMate 9-colour scheme to assist learning and quick reading}}