2007/8/29, Wolfgang Werners-Lucchini
how can I start an itemization with 2
I have tried snippets like
\setupitemgroup[[itemize][start=2] \startitemize[n] \item zwei \item drei \stopitemize
but could'nt found a solution.
Btw.: Is there a differenz between
Hi Wolfgang,
\setupitemize is only macro for \setupitemgroup[itemize] and is generated with \defineitemgroup like many other setup commands.
To start your enumeration with 2 you have to define your own number conversion.
\starttext \startitemize[nn] \item zwei \item drei \stopitemize \stoptext
Hi Wolfgang!
This works!
But two questions remain:
1) I am wondering, how you find such answers. What is your strategie searching the sources?
You can the answer in the big manual (cont-enp), it explains the symbols are defined with \definesymbol and the counters values (n, r, r ... keys) with \defineconversion.
2) What is that existing option 'start' for? Take this as an example for question 1).
If I understand the source correct it should begin the itemize with the level you give with the start value, with the value 2 in your example the outer itemize group should start with itemlevel 2 and we should get the dash symbol as item marker but either this did not work I am wrong. I tried this with the following example but the output off both items are the same. \starttext \startitemize \item Text \stopitemize \setupitemize[start=2] \startitemize \item Text \stopitemize \stoptext Wolfgang