On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Mohamed Bana wrote:
i upgraded only to check if this would would, and it didn't, any idea why?
$ context --version MtxRun | main context file: /home/mbana/context-minimals/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/context.tex MtxRun | current version: 2009.01.18 14:39
$ luatex --version This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.31.3-2008123108, build unknown
You need version 0.33.1 from SVN and the latest ConTeXt (about 5 days old; in minimals it's --context=alpha and it's beta on Pragma, but you need your own LuaTeX).
% engine=luatex
\usetypescript[cambria] \setupbodyfont[cambria]
\starttext $\mu$ µ is ok, but $µ$ is ţ \stoptext
uses Latin Modern
i'm getting this error when i try to use Tikz
! Undefined control sequence. <recently read> \usetikzlibrary
l.11 \usetikzlibrary [arrows,automata,fit] ?
Did you check for notices like "module tikz not loaded" in the log? If you use the minimals you need to make sure to add --extras=t-tikz to first-setup.sh (or add that switch when you call first-setup.sh).
also where exactly are the typescripts located and do you happen to have the Asana Math typescripts as well? :)
They are in type-otf.tex. If you want to use Asana, just copy the whole portion of cambria typescripts and search-and-replace-all from cambria to asana (or ask Hans politely to do that in core once he's back). Mojca