I understood from this post
there were issues with the different solutions offered.

>Do you want to hide only text or also figures, tables, formulae etc.

For the time being there's only text, however in a later stage there will be figures/pics too.

>do you need a solution that
>will work also over page breaks.

Yes, to make a preview version of a book.


On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 12:51 PM, Alan Stone <software.list.1es9s@gmail.com> wrote:
Re: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20050707.214524.2b87e5f1.en.html

Mojca asked...

>Is there a way to somehow
>which would leave exactly the same amount of blank space as if the
>content would be typeset?

What's the current status on this issue ?
