Sorry to revive
this discussion (which
I initiated), but
the text in the following
code does not
wrapped around the figure.
Why ?
\definecolor[MyColorB][c=0.00, m=0.62, y=1.00, k=0.00]
path b ;
picture p ;
p := textext.rt("\white\Définition") ;
p := p shifted (2BodyFontSize,OverlayHeight-ypart
center p+.25ExHeight) ;
b := boundingbox p leftenlarged .5EmWidth
rightenlarged .5EmWidth ;
fill OverlayBox withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorA} ;
fill b withcolor \MPcolor{MyColorB} ;
draw p ;
path p ;
p := fullcircle xscaled 4cm yscaled 2cm ;
fill p withcolor cmyk(0,0.62,1,0) ;
path q ; q := fullcircle scaled 1cm shifted
(1cm, ypart center p) ;
fill q withcolor blue ;
picture r ;
r := textext("\white E")shifted (-0.75cm,ypart
center p) ;
picture s ;
s := textext("\white A")shifted (1cm, ypart
center p) ;
draw r ;
draw s ;
draw p ;
draw q ;
Soit A une partie d'un ensemble E.
Si $n_E$ et $n_A$ sont respectivement les nombres
d'éléments de E et de A, la {\bi proportion} des éléments
de A dans E est le quotient $p=\frac{n_A}{n_E}$.
Wolfgang wrote on the list a few days ago (