Am 26.02.2014 um 13:56 schrieb Rudolf Bahr
Hello Wolfgang,
according to [1] and Andrea's unanswered question:
You mean that I simply don’t need \usemodule[simplefonts][size=8pt]?
in which I'm very interested: How is fontswitching to other styles (5pt,11pt,17.3pt or bold etc.) performed with \definefontfamily? I.e. \switchtobodyfont[17.3pt] as in following example works, but is it in the official context line? And a, b, c, x, xx no more?
\switchtobodyfont[17.3pt] and others will give me such messages: "fonts > defining > unable to define 'unknown' as 'mainface-17.3pt-rm-tf-0-a-0'" therefore I think it's perhaps not the right command.
Btw, I'd wish really complete context examples in the manuals. They could spare some of my "stupid" questions.
The \definefontfamily command doesn’t change the way how you change fonts or use a different font size. The reason why you can’t change the font size is this line
\definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [TeX Gyre Pagella DejaVu Serif]
where you tries to load a not existing font. I’ll add a few error message to the code and a fallback solution which will use Latin Modern when no font was found. Wolfgang