Hi List, I made good progress producing fainter pictures in metafun. Here is a uniformly accelerated cow in the style of my book. I abandoned transparency, since I actually don’t want to see through anything. I am using uncolored to get the fade. It works great with a picture that is made with fill and draw, but it doesn’t work with shading. The example below has a flat disk and a round ball. The disk looks fine, but the shaded ball is not surviving the application of inverted / uncolored. \startMPinclusions picture disk, ball; disk := image( fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor .4white; draw fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 0.8pt ;); ball := image( fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withshademethod "circular" withshadecenter (.25,.25) withshadecolors (.8white, black); draw fullcircle scaled 1cm withpen pencircle scaled 0.8pt ;); \stopMPinclusions \startMPpage draw inverted (disk uncolored .1white) ; draw inverted (disk uncolored .2white) shifted (0.25cm,0) ; draw inverted (disk uncolored .5white) shifted (1cm,0) ; draw disk shifted (2.25cm,0) ; draw inverted (ball uncolored .1white) shifted (0, -2cm) ; draw inverted (ball uncolored .2white) shifted (0.25cm, -2cm) ; draw inverted (ball uncolored .5white) shifted (1cm, -2cm) ; draw ball shifted (2.25cm, -2cm) ; \stopMPpage Same result in LMTX and MkIV. (ConTeXt ver: 2021.09.17 10:01 LMTX fmt: 2021.9.21 int: english/english) I’m pretty happy with this uncolored trick, and will be even happier if I can get it to work with the shadings. Any suggestions? Gavin