Hi Renaud, Since I ws dealing with some aspects of your questions recently ...
I'm working on it now, I've build my document following a complete structure (project, environment, products, components) as described in the manual, well done... The layout is now as I want using \setuplayout. Currently, I'm working on title. I've found the \setuplabeltext[fr][chapter=Chapitre] command to customize chapter name but then, I will draw a line or graphics under my chapter title and don't know how to deal with properly.
Moreover, I experienced some problems with TOC and the use of \title for my introduction chapter (I don't want numbering on this). Eventually, how can I bypass header or footer for a chapter page ?
Thanks, up to now I'm very pleased with ConTeXt, METAFUN and METAPOST !!!
1. Lines under the chapter-title: If it should be a simple line then you can use \setupbackgrounds[header][text][bottomframe=on]. If it should be a graphical element one can think of approaches like: \setupcolors[state=start] \startuseMPgraphic{HeaderDeco} numeric w, h, repeats; path p[]; w := OverlayWidth ; h := OverlayHeight ; repeats := abs(TextWidth/BodyFontSize); p[1] := unitsquare xscaled w yscaled h ; draw p[1] withcolor white; p[2] := fullcircle scaled BodyFontSize; p[3] := fullcircle scaled .25BodyFontSize; draw p[2] shifted (.5BodyFontSize,0); for i = 1 upto repeats: if odd i : filldraw p[3] shifted (i*BodyFontSize+.5BodyFontSize,0); else : draw p[2] shifted (i*BodyFontSize+.5BodyFontSize,0); fi; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic \setuphead[chapter][command=\Myheader] \setupheadtext [chapter=Chapitre] \defineoverlay[HeaderDeco][\uniqueMPgraphic{HeaderDeco}] \def\Myheader#1#2{% \framedtext [width= \overlaywidth, height=6\bodyfontsize, background={foreground,HeaderDeco}, offset=0pt, strut=no, frame=off, align=middle]{% \headtext{chapter} #1 \blank[small] #2}} \starttext \chapter{Here we go!} \stoptext 2. Bypassing header and footer: \noheaderandfooterlines or \setuphead[chapter][header=high] Kind regards Willi