Idris, not to sound negative, but I remember looking at it, and as far as I could see, they have just integrated writer2latex ( http://www.hj- gym.dk/~hj/writer2latex/ ) into OOo. It's a wonderful thing to have, but it has been around for a while; the only thing that's new is the integration. As to ConTeXt export: writer2latex can be customized in a number of ways. For the basic stuff, you can get output that looks a lot like ConTeXt, just don't expect miracles (don't expect miracles for LaTeX, either, btw). Best Thomas On Dec 2, 2006, at 8:13 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
Hi gang,
I just learned that OOo 2.04 has a LaTeX export (downloading now). Any of you bright programmers up to writing a ConTeXt export (or porting the LaTeX filters to ConTeXt)?
I'm quite serious: if anyone is interested I'll write (or help write) a grant proposal for it (I've already had some TeX-related proposals funded so...).
Please write me if you are interested in a grant, or else we can just discuss it on dev-context@ntg.nl and get it done another way!
Best Idris