Hi Steffen, You're pretty close. It's best not to rewrite your old scripts, rather, to make a new type-enc style script to replace your existing [serif] [agaramond][ec] script. This way, when changing engines, it's a simple step of changing the (default, perhaps?) encoding... \starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [uc] % XeTeX and Unicode is a happy combination \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Regular] ['AGaramondPro-Regular:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Italic] ['AGaramondPro-Italic:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Bold] ['AGaramondPro-Bold:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-BoldItalic] ['AGaramondPro-BoldItalic:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Semibold] ['AGaramondPro-Semibold:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic] ['AGaramondPro-SemiboldItalic:mapping=tex-text;+onum'] [encoding=uc] \stoptypescript So, as you will know from the XeTeX documentation :), the way of naming a font is enclosed within quotes. The first element is the postscript font name (otfinfo -p <fontname> or look in FontBook.app), then (optionally) a /I, /B, /BI, or /S for within-family selection, any mapping features, and then other OpenType features. Here I selected the tex-text mapping (to stay consistent with `` --- '' ligatures), and the +onum opentype feature (guessing from the name of your typescripts, you like Oldstyle NUMerals). If you wanted to go further, you could define an \sc alternative in your typescripts by inserting it into your other typescripts and turning on the +smcp feature in AGaramondPro-Regular for the appropriate synonym to fit above. I leave that as an exercise for the reader... adam Steffen Wolfrum said this at Mon, 11 Jul 2005 17:37:24 +0200:
\starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [ec] \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Regular] [padr9e] [encoding=uc] % was encoding=ec before xetex \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Italic] [padri9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Bold] [padb9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-BoldItalic] [padbi9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-Semibold] [pads9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definefontsynonym [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic] [padsi9e] [encoding=uc] % =ec \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif] [agaramond] [name] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [AGaramond-Regular] \definefontsynonym [SerifBold] [AGaramond-Semibold]%[AGaramond-Bold-OSF] \definefontsynonym [SemiBold] [AGaramond-Semibold] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [AGaramond-Italic] \definefontsynonym [SerifBoldItalic] [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic]%[AGaramond-BoldItalic-OSF] \definefontsynonym [SemiBoldItalic] [AGaramond-SemiboldItalic] \stoptypescript \starttypescript [serif][allbold][all] \definefontsynonym [Serif] [SerifBold] \definefontsynonym [SerifItalic] [SerifBoldItalic] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [AGaramondOldStyle] \definetypeface [normaltype] [rm] [serif] [agaramond] [default] [encoding=uc] % =ec \definetypeface [boldtype] [rm] [serif] [agaramond,allbold] [default] [encoding=uc] % =ec \stoptypescript
-- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Adam T. Lindsay, Computing Dept. atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk Lancaster University, InfoLab21 +44(0)1524/510.514 Lancaster, LA1 4WA, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/510.492 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-