
Thanks for this, it works fine.

I am adding calltips very slowly to my file, and I will post it to the Wiki when I have a useful number done.

Best regards,


UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2010 wrote on 20/11/2009 20:34:33:

> Hi,
> Change the name of the attached to end in .zip . I can confirm that the
> context calltips work for this version of context.xml in Npp 5.5.1.
> OTOH, the ignoreCase=no used to work, and that is something that the Npp
> developers will hopefully take care of.
> Richard, if you make additional calltips to context.xml, can you post your
> updates to the wiki? Maybe we can start a project to eventually add
> calltips to all commands. I have a few other ideas as well to make these
> calltips more useful, and to serve a certain book project ;-)
> Best wishes
> Idris
> On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 13:03:19 -0700, Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس   سماوي حامد
> <> wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 20 Nov 2009 09:21:34 -0700, <>  
> > wrote:
> >
> >> After some experiments, I think the problem is that Notepad++ is  
> >> ignoring the case of the commands when searching for calltips. By  
> >> re-sorting the list I was able to get calltips to work. However, with  
> >> this new sorting the auto-complete no longer works! This is definitely  
> >> one for the Notepad++ developers.
> >
> > I experimented a bit and I think you are exactly right. If I comment out  
> > the commands that contain upper-case letters, the calltip mechanism  
> > works. If I resort just those commands, viz, move them to the bottom of  
> > the file, autocompletion does not work for the upper-case commands but  
> > it does work for all others.
> >
> > Workaround:
> >
> > in context.xml go to
> >
> > <Environment ignoreCase="no" startFunc="[" stopFunc="]" /><br/>
> >
> > change ignoreCase
> >
> > ignoreCase="yes"
> >
> > resort according to ignorecase
> >
> > I did this for one command and it works, let me try some more.
> --
> Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief
> International Journal of Shi`i Studies
> Department of Philosophy
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO 80523[attachment "context_xml_zip" deleted by
> Richard STEPHENS/GBRUG03/APC] [attachment "attachment130.txt"
> deleted by Richard STEPHENS/GBRUG03/APC]

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