Dear context users, at first a lot of warm thanks for help and comments on using t-simpleslides. On a different matter, I now have the following problem : I do a lot of testing trying compiling my slides (using the following command : "context essai.tex"). Sometimes, I get errors and an interactive prompt that I kill with either ctrl+C or ctrl+Z (at random). I noticed that my computer was swapping (2Go RAM). With "ps xa | grep lua" I get 34 process. Using "top" and sorting by memory used the processes, I noticed 7 instances of luatex and 5 of texlua on the first page for a total of 800MB of resident memory. Did I miss something using context (I do "context essai.tex" each time that I want compile changes) ? "killall luatex" and kill -15 PID does nothing. Best, Amaël