On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 15:09:26 -0500
"Joel C. Salomon"
On Dec 21, 2007 2:01 PM, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: What do you mean by the rectangle around the text area.
Here's the project I'm compiling (as it currently stands), condensed into a single file:
\definepapersize[sixbynine][width=6in,height=9in] \setuppapersize[sixbynine][letter] \setuplayout [marking=on, location=middle, textwidth=288pt, textheight=432pt,
replace these two lines with width=288pt and height=432pt don't use textwidth and textheight in \setuplayout.
header=12pt, headerdistance=12pt, topspace=72pt, footer=12pt, footerdistance=12pt, bottomspace=144pt, leftmargindistance=12pt, leftmargin=24pt, backspace=48pt, rightmargindistance=12pt, rightmargin=24pt] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \showframe \starttext \title{Preface} A few paragraphs of {\em Lorem ipsum} text. \stoptext
The center rectangle, surrounding the text area, seems to have its left & right margins some distance from the actual text. How do I set that distance, and why is it different from the leftmargindistance?
leftmargindistance is only the distance between the textarea and the left box for the left margin, the layout concept could be a little bit confusing. Wolfgang