Am 24.06.2004 um 16:13 schrieb Maurice Diamantini:
A ConTeXt reference book would be much like an uptodate cont-eni.pdf manual. It would be comparable to the couple "LaTeX Lamport + Latex Compagnon"
Would be, should be, yes.
But the reference cont-eni.pdf doesn't talk about math nor biblio.
Both are extensions from my point of view. Even if math is "typical" for TeX, it's not typical for ConTeXt. I think the typical university user is content with LaTeX. ConTeXt is for those who like to design their own layout. I seldom need any formula - TeX/ConTeXt is for me simply the system of choice for big documents (books), presentations and everything scriptable. (For most of my work I use InDesign.)
Also there is several means to do tables, and it seams that the two main context reference documents (gettingStart and cont-eni.pdf) doesn't talk about the same table system. Morever, neither of them talk about the last most supported table system which seams to be enattab.pdf!!
Yes, that's confusing. I made an overview in my german docs, will transfer it to the Wiki soon.
And every latex package has its own docs that you should read - some are books itself (e.g. komascript). Doen't know about it, doen't need it, so I'm glab it is not in the latex manuals :-)
The KOMA classes are an enhanced replacement for the standard LaTeX classes my Markus Kohm. If you use LaTeX it's a pity if you don't know them!
I think the simplest thing to do is a to make a lite introduction documentation for use as a guide about which docs should be seen as reference (which table to use, how to to biblio, ...)
Again, I don't think that bibliographies are basic. But I'm no scientific user. Grüßlis vom Hraban! --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/