On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 18:05:41 +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
\usetypescript[postscript][\defaultencoding] \setupencoding[default=texnansi] \mainlanguage[de] \enableregime[mac]
\setupbodyfont[postscript,10pt] \setupinterlinespace[line=12pt]
\definepapersize[MyPage][width=15.7cm,height=23.2cm] \setuppapersize[MyPage][A4] \setuplayout [width=113mm,height=576pt, backspace=20mm,topspace=15mm, header=12pt,headerdistance=6pt, footer=42pt,footerdistance=0pt, location=middle,marking=on,grid=no]
\def\setnotebodyfont {\let\setnotebodyfont\relax \restoreglobalbodyfont \switchtobodyfont[rm,9pt]\setupinterlinespace[line=9.8pt]\parskip2pt} \starttext Test 1.\footnote{BVerwGE 17, 306, 309; 65, 167, 174; {\em D╴rig}, in: Maunz{|/|}D╴rig, GG, Sonderdruck, Art.\,2~I Rn.\,48; auch heute wird dies noch z.\,T. so gesehen, z.\,B. bei {\em Arndt}, in: Steiner, BesVerwR, VII~B, Rn.\,131; {\em Sch╴nemann}, in: Gro╴ Komm. UWG, Rn.\,A~65; auch das \"O OVG M╴nster, NWVBl. 2005, 68, 70, scheint die grundrechtlich gesch╴tzte Wettbewerbsfreiheit nicht als eine Auspr╴gung der Berufsfreiheit zu sehen.}
Test 2.\footnote{{\em R.~Schmidt}, ╴ff. Wirtschaftsrecht, AT, S.\,163; {\em Manssen}, in: v.\,Mangoldt|\,/\,|Klein|\,/\,|Starck, GG, Bd.\,1, Art.\,12 Abs.\,1, Rn.\,70; {\em Schliesky}, Offentliches \"O Wettbewerbsrecht, S.\,197; {\em Tsiliotis}, Wettbewerbsfreiheit, S.\,65, mit vielen weiteren Nachweisen.} \stoptext
What is the difference between footnote 1 and footnote 2, why does the \"O on footnote 1 fit in its line and not in footnote 2? There have both interlinespace[line=9.8pt] ...
the height and depth of the line as calculated by tex based on the actual text; 9.8 pt lineheight is nog enough to squeeze the char with the most height and depth in so you need to choose a larger value than 9.8pt (and maybe set lineskip to 0pt)
The awkward thing about this is that the chosen values are given by the publishers... After some trying I saw that interlinespace[line=10.6pt] instead of 9.8pt would work. But this far beyond. The document I am working on is to be published as part of a series. So I can't change the footnote's interlinespace from 9.8pt to 10.6pt! Is there truly no other workaround? Steffen