At 11:34 23/01/2004, you wrote: ruby exampler --continue --setuppath=C:\Program Files\TeXlive\texmf\context\ruby\examplap\scripts %gives :
ruby: No such file or directory -- exampler (LoadError)
ruby -CC:\Program Files\TeXlive\texmf\context\ruby\examplap\scripts --continue exampler %gives : ruby: Can't chdir to C:\Program (fatal)
ruby -CC:\Program_Files\TeXlive\texmf\context\ruby\examplap\scripts --continue exampler %gives : ruby: Can't chdir to C:\Program_Files\TeXlive\texmf\context\ruby\examplap\scripts (fatal)
Answers of Ruby are leading me towards a namespace problem, but it's just a quick supposition
hm, can you try to run the file from a web browser? Hans After launching "contex" server on 8061 port by executing exampler.rb from its location, nor the acrobat or web (IE6 or Mozilla 1.6) opened examplap+combine.pdf give other answer than : invalid dialog.
well, the famous spaces in paths problem ... this is one reason why i install tex directly under c:\tex or d:\tex or ... seems like i need to check exampler cum suis in all kind of places for sensitivity of spaces Hans