On 2020-04-22, Jan-Erik Hägglöf
Output from :messages
[ConTeXt] Typesetting... Fel upptäcktes vid bearbetning av function context#typeset[6]..<SNR>39_typeset[2 ]..context#callback[1]..<SNR>39_callback: rad 17: E40: Kan inte öppna felfil /Users/janneman/Documents/CTX/GNUPLOT/test3.log
FYI, that error means that test3.log was not found - I guess, as that's not a language I understand :-) - which likely means that your command somehow failed without producing a log file (e.g., because the command name was misspelled). You seem to have fixed your issue, but, should you bump into further issues, first make sure that your ConTeXt installation works properly from the command line. Also, keep in mind that your shell environment may be different from the environment in which ConTeXt is executed inside Vim, so you may need to explicitly set some environment variables (e.g., inside g:context_mtxrun) to make things sail smoothly. Global variables (whose names start with `g:`) may be set in your vimrc, which is typically located at $HOME/.vim/vimrc (note that the filename does *not* start with a dot, only the directory's name does). Good ConTeXt typesetting in Vim! Nicola