On 2012-09-07 Bill Meahan
After being on the internet since the early 1980's I can say with certainty if one person is having a particular problem others have or will have it, too. A searchable archive of answers (like a mailing list archive) is far more valuable than the ephemeral presence of any sort of IM channel.
I totally agree. If I get you right, you think that the IRC will receive problem solutions that the mailing list will miss. That's a valid point I had in mind, as well. With another channel the information will be spread out even more, which might not be desirable.
IM channels are really helpful when an "expert" needs to walk someone through something or do interactive problem investigations in real-time,
That was the scenario I had in mind.
but "answers," regardless of how unique they seem at the time, are best kept where others can find them because they *will* be needed again.
Cannot agree more. Thanks for your opinion. Marco