On Mon, 31 Dec 2007 01:50:04 -0700
"Idris Samawi Hamid"
Dear gang,
What is the official way to get old style numerals in 11pt in mkiv? I'm just using lm.
It depends what do you want to achieve, local changes can be done with \os, but this will use numbers from the math font. Mark IV has a new the new option "fontfeatures" and you can use this to get the oldstyle numbers from the latin modern OT fonts. Option one is to redefine \os to use the numbers from the main font, you have to put the following command in your document, \def\os{\setfontfeature{oldstyle}}, option two is to write \setfontfeature{oldstyle} in the preamble of your document and ConTeXt use oldstyle numbers by default if present in the current font. There is currently no better way to enable oldstyle number for the whole document except you define your own typescripts and use them.
Thnx in advance!
Best Idris