Thank you so much, Hans, that's a neat solution! I was banging my head against the wall, but this makes sense. On 10/5/21 6:38 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Because you know how to rotate and scale:
\startuseMPgraphic{empedocless} path p, q, r ; pair a ;
p := fullcircle scaled 10cm ; drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ; draw point 0 of p withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor blue ; q := p cutafter (point .4 along p) ; drawarrow q withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor green ; draw followtext(q, "\strut TEXT ONE") ;
p := fullcircle scaled 8cm ; drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor cyan ; draw point 0 of p withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor magenta ; q := p cutafter (point .3 along p) ; q := q rotated 120 ; drawarrow q withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor yellow ; draw followtext(q, "\strut TEXT TWO") ;
% the real deal: best make a macro for this
p := fullcircle scaled 6cm ; draw point 0 of p withpen pencircle scaled 5mm withcolor blue ; drawarrow p withpen pencircle scaled 1mm withcolor red ; a := (point eps of p) rotated 45 ; draw a withpen pencircle scaled 2mm; q := p cutafter a ; q := q rotated 20 ; drawarrow q withpen pencircle scaled .5mm withcolor green ; draw followtext(q, "\strut TEXT TWO") ;
So, just always start at point 0 and then just rotate the cutof piece over the angle that you want. The eps in the last case makes that we actually have a cut off piece (zero fails here).
So ... solution 4. best suits non math gurus (like you and me).
This is the part of your reply that fails to convince. You don't even know how bad I am at math... Thanks, and all best Thomas