On Wednesday 17 February 2010 22:36:19 Hans Hagen wrote:
On 17-2-2010 22:30, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
I defined the second list for that purpose (really ugly, but the fastest way to get it done). But there was a tiny problem with that as well (mkii more problematic) - I didn't manage to get the spacing between two consecutive lists right. For example (compare mkii and
mkiv): concerning tricks ... today i defined the hybrids between chapter/title, section/subject etc
\definehead[chaptle] [chapter] \definehead[suction] [section] \definehead[subsuction] [subsection] \definehead[subsubsuction][subsubsection]
\setuphead [chaptle,suction,subsuction,subsubsuction] [incrementnumber=list]
no numbers but title goes to toc.
I might even add them to the core some day
Continuing an old thread... with four questions (and no tricks): FIRST QUESTION: "chaptle", "suction"? I get it! But I did not immediately (maybe I am a bit slow). It's too clever to be easily retained so I suggest finding another solution. Would not a better syntax be something like: \section [number=no] {Conclusions} \chapter [number=no] {A final word} (from a user's point-of-view, I haven't looking into the programming)? SECOND QUESTION: \starttext \startfrontmatter \chapter{Preface} \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \chapter{First chapter} \chapter{Second chapter} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \chapter{First appendix} \chapter{Second appendix} \stopappendices \startbackmatter \chapter{Concluding note} \stopbackmatter \stoptext Yields: Preface 1 First chapter 2 Second chapter A First appendix B Second appendix Concluding note As it should. However, adding \setuplabeltext[chapter=Chapter ] % with trailing space; blank by default gives a nice label in the header, yet also yields "Chapter A First appendix"... This is clearly wrong! Reading the source (strc-def.mkiv), I tried: \setuplabeltext [appendix=Appendix ] % with trailing space; blank by default but this does not work. Is this a bug? Note that I also tried: \definehead [appendix] [chapter] \setuplabeltext [appendix=Appendix ] % with trailing space; blank by default \definecombinedlist [content] [chapter,appendix] and replaced \chapter with \appendix between \startappendices\stopappendics which sort-of works: 1) this is not elegant 2) does not appear in bookmarks. THIRD QUESTION: Adding \setuplist [chapter] [label=yes,width=5em] to get the nice label to appear in the table of contents yields: Chapter Preface Chapter 1 First chapter Chapter 2 Second chapter Chapter A First appendix Chapter B Second appendix Chapter Concluding note So this is NOT the way to go! Is there a simple and elegant solution? FOURTH QUESTION: Should not the numbering (1, 2, A, B) get included in the bookmarks? If this should not be so by default, can this feature be easily activated? Alan