Am 2020-03-04 um 07:55 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
: While the first book in a series of four is now ready with a lot of manual corrections, in the second one the XML structure is messed up: the chapter title structure comes only after the chapter content, and index entry tags are empty with the actual entry behind like this:
<paragraph>Ein sentimentales Rührstück ist <highlight detail="emph">Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten</highlight> dennoch nicht. Die beiden Hauptdarsteller <registerlocation detail="index" internal="396"></registerlocation>Anton Petzold (Rico) und <registerlocation detail="index" internal="397"></registerlocation>Juri Winkler (Oskar) füllen ihre Rollen ganz wunderbar aus...</paragraph>
In ConTeXt code I marked the actors with \def\NPers#1#2{\index{#2, #1}#1 #2} as \NPers{Anton}{Petzold}.
But since that just uses \index, the XML tag should catch the contents, don’t you think?
Coming back to this. I recognized that of course the name behind </registerlocation> is completely correct and according to my definition of \NPers. But the content of \index (here: "Petzold, Anton") is still missing, while the command creates this <registerlocation> structure. Since you (Hans) say the export only looks at the output, then it makes sense that is empty, since there’s nothing to see. Actually my XSLT already looks for the <registerentry>: <registerentry> <registercontent>Petzold, Anton</registercontent> <registerpages><registerpage><link destination="internal(396)" location="396" prefix="c_anhang">76</link></registerpage><registerseparator>,</registerseparator><registerpage><link destination="internal(406)" location="406" prefix="c_anhang">77</link></registerpage></registerpages> </registerentry> And the lookup actually works, so I don’t know why I’m complaining. Didn’t understand my own workflow any more. Now to solve the title structure mystery… Best, Hraban