Dear list, this is a follow-up on Ulrike's post, so I'm just hijacking the thread. How can I use the Lua fonts in Plain? It works fine if I just remove ConTeXt-specific actualtext bits but as soon as I add features to the font, the name resolution fails with something like ! Font \mainfont=file:fonts-demo-rule.lua:original=file:texgyrepagella-regular. otf not loadable: metric data not found or bad. MWE is below as always. Cheers, Henri ----------- test.tex ----------- \input luaotfload.sty \font\mainfont="file:fonts-demo-rule.lua":original=file:texgyrepagella-regular.otf \mainfont This code is stored in fonts-demo-rule.lua and we can load that font in the usual way, by specifying a filename. \bye ----------- fonts-demo-rule.lua ----------- return function(specification) local features = specification.features.normal local name = features.original or "dejavu-serif" local option = features.option -- we only support "line" local size = specification.size -- always set local detail = specification.detail -- e.g. default if detail then name = name .. "*" .. detail end local f, id = fonts.constructors.readanddefine(name,size) if f then f.properties.name = specification.name f.properties.virtualized = true f.fonts = { { id = id }, } for s in string.gmatch("aeuioy",".") do local n = utf.byte(s) local c = f.characters[n] if c then local w = c.width or 0 local h = c.height or 0 local d = c.depth or 0 if option == "line" then f.characters[n].commands = { { "rule", option == "line" and size/10, w }, } else f.characters[n].commands = { { "down", d }, { "rule", h + d, w }, } end else -- probably a real bad font end end end return f end On 04/05/18 06:26, Ulrike Fischer wrote:
I'm trying to run one of the examples of fonts-mkiv.pdf
I copied the code from 4.5 Lua fonts to a file "fonts-demo-rule.lua". This lua file is in the same directory as my test file.
Then I tried
\definefont [MyRuleFont] [file:fonts-demo-rule.lua*default sa 1]
{\MyRuleFont So when we use it we get text }
but I get in the log
fonts > defining > forced type 'lua' of 'fonts-demo-rule' not found fonts > defining > font with asked name 'fonts-demo-rule' is not found using lookup 'file' fonts > defining > unknown font 'fonts-demo-rule', loading aborted fonts > defining > unable to define 'fonts-demo-rule.lua' as 'MyRuleFont--0'
The file itself is found (I can see its path later on). What is going on here?