I must admit I don't get it :-) Using something like \useURL[foo]{attachments/1013-Comato_Zugriffe.zip} \goto{\url[attachments/1013-Comato_Zugriffe.zip]}[url(foo)] I get ! Missing $ inserted. (ok, trying to switch to math mode. I understand that.) Using \useURL[foo]{attachments/1013-Comato\_Zugriffe.zip} \goto{\url[attachments/1013-Comato\_Zugriffe.zip]}[url(foo)] I get ! Missing \endcsname inserted. <to be read again> \unhbox \leavevmode ->\unhbox \voidb@x \fakeunderscore ->\leavevmode \hbox {\setbox \scratchbox \hbox {(}\scratchdi... \_...fmmode \mathunderscore \else \textunderscore \fi <argument> \v!file :::attachments/1013-Comato\_ Zugriffe.zip \getvalue #1->\csname #1 \endcsname ... l.23 \NC \NR\stoptabulate Which I don't understand... How can I use url's with underscores?? I looked, but I couldn't find anything useful with google. Thanks for any help, Mathias -- virtual earth Mathias Picker Geschäftsführer Gesellschaft für Wissens re/prä sentation mbH Mathias.Picker@virtual-earth.de Fon +49 89 / 540 7425-1 Fax +49 89 / 540 7425-9