This works for a buffer content enclosed in any node:
<anyone> <========= cannot be omitted
</anyone> <========= cannot be omitted
But it does not work when the content is not enclosed in a node, which is my input case:
Now the xml is judged invalid by running it.
In the case of a file there is a circumvention through directlua. There I can os.execute a chain of commands: echo "<node>" >tmp;cat file >>tmp;echo "<node>" >>tmp and then \xmlprocessfile the tmp. A bit of a kludge, I am ready to admit, but working. But
I don't see how to do this with buffers.
Hans van der Meer
5/7/2013 5:30 PM, Meer, H. van der wrote:
With \xmlload{myroot}{file} I can load an xml file and the execute on its nodes.
However what to do if the file is not of the form <root>file-contents</root>?
In that case it would help if I could contruct a node with with some actions like:
<root>\input{fileconytents</root> and then operate with xml commands on that <root> node.
Can this be accomplished?
can just filter the node ..