Hi, I'm using a product/component structure with interaction but it seems that hyperlink targets pointing to manually set pagereferences in another component file do not work as they should: The line/page numbers on the link is correct, but the hyperlinks points to _component.pdf_ (which opens, if it has been compiled by itself before, otherwise the link is just going nowhere) instead of the page in product.pdf On the other hand, hyperlinks to a chapter/... head work as expected. I haven't used interaction much until now, so I might well be missing something, but this seems like a bug to me. Thanks in advance! Daniel Working minimal example: --------------------------- My product.tex looks like this: \setupinteraction[state=start] \startproduct product \startbodymatter %\at and \inline -> \pagereference[knuth] don't work cf. Knuth at \at{p.}[knuthpage] \inline{line}[knuth] % \in -> \chapter[knuthchap] works in \in{Chapter}[knuthchap]. \stopbodymatter \startappendices \component appendix \stopappendices \stopproduct -------------- And my appendix.tex looks like this: \startcomponent appendix \product product \chapter[knuthchap]{Knuth} \startlinenumbering \startline[knuth]\input knuth\stopline[knuth] \stoplinenumbering \page Some problem here.\pagereference[knuthpage] \stopcomponent