Jean-Philippe Rey schrieb am 24.05.2019 um 13:49:
Hello Everybody,
Le 8 avr. 2019 à 15:26, Henning Hraban Ramm
a écrit : How would you approach serial letters, e.g. to all members of a club? (Actually I need to send out donation receipts.)
I’d like to use the letter module, since my usual letter design is using it.
I can export the addresses to CSV, JSON, Lua tables or whatever or transfer them to a SQLite db. Would it make more sense to read them in Lua and combine this data with a buffer, or to write a single tex file for every letter? I know how to do the latter, but I’d like to learn a more ConTeXt-ish way. Would it make sense to use the bibliographies module? I have the same need. I tried a basic solution:
======================= Start failing example \usemodule[letter]
\setupletter[ signature={JPR}, closing={Sincerely yours,} ]
\def\GenLetter[#1]{ \getparameters[GL][#1] \startletter[ toname={\GLto}, toaddress={\GLadr}, opening={\GLciv}, ]
Blah blah \GLciv.
\stopletter }
\GenLetter[civ={M.}, to={Pierre Durand}, adr={Trifouillis-les-Oies}]
\stoptext ======================= End failing example
My idea being to generate as many letters I like by multiplying the \GenLetter line.
However, I get an error message I don’t understand. Can someone point to the thing I am doing wrong ? The problem is that you put the letter-environment in a command but the environment uses the buffer mechanism to store the content which doesn't work when it is used in a command definition.
What you have to do is to move the content of the letters out of the \GenLetter command, you can use the lettercontent-environment for this. In the \GenLetter command you now use the \placeletter command to flush the content of the letter with the current values for the address etc. %%%% begin example \usemodule[letter] \setupletter [signature={JPR}, closing={Sincerely yours,}] \setupletter [ toname=\correspondenceparameter{to}, toaddress=\correspondenceparameter{adr}, opening=\correspondenceparameter{civ}] \startlettercontent Blah blah \correspondenceparameter{civ}. \stoplettercontent \def\GenLetter[#1]% {\begingroup \setupletter[#1]% \placeletter \endgroup} \starttext \GenLetter[civ={M.}, to={Pierre Durand}, adr={Trifouillis-les-Oies}] \stoptext %%%% end example Wolfgang