Hans helped me out with some asciidoc processing a while ago.
I played a bit further, but I'm currently facing two minor issues:
(a) I don't know how to turn program listing (verbatim code) from xml to (perhaps, vim-based) syntax highlighting (but most importantly, to make sure that line breaks work properly)
Ad (a). The source that looks similar to this:
<programlisting language="cpp" linenumbering="unnumbered"> int main() { return 0; } </programlisting>
should be converted into some kind of equivalent of
% on top \usemodule[vim] \definevimtyping [CPP] [syntax=cpp]
\startCPP int main() { return 0; } \stopCPP
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
This should get you pretty close: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/652116/ You can look through the revision history for a few different versions if the newest one doesn't quite work. -- Max