Dear French ConTeXt users (and others), I have started to compile ConTeXt documentation in French, gathered in a Wikibook (Wikilivre) that you can find here : https://fr.wikibooks.org/wiki/ConTeXt. The whole documentation in this Wikibook is mostly given through French translations of original English documentation, which is provided by ConTeXt Garden wiki pages, Stack Exchange pages devoted to ConTeXt, and Bertrand Lemasson website (http://lesfichesabebert.fr/index.php/FichesBebert/Context), and by personnal tests made by me on both Linux/Windows systems. This is a work in progress, and I need some help, first to correct the several code examples I give in this Wikibook, second to provide some examples of ConTeXt "critic apparatus" (in the way you can find in LaTeX code 'reledmac' there — thanks to Maïeul Rouquette — http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/reledmac/examples/1-criticalnot...), and third to give me some links where I can find ConTeXt up to date documentation (especially about complex book project). Of course, you may correct, improve and expand this project. Thanks, JP Delange