I have the following problem with mkVI. (updated today)

systems         : begin file env_manuscript at line 4
(../env_manuscript.tex (/media/documents/test/type-libertine.tex)
!define font    : forced type otf of /home/me/.fonts/LinLibertine_Re-4.4.1 not found
!define font    : font with name /home/me/.fonts/LinLibertine_Re-4.4.1 is not found
!define font    : unknown font /home/me/.fonts/LinLibertine_Re-4.4.1, loading aborted
!define font    : unable to define linuxlibertineo as \*Libertine11ptrmtf*
systems         : end file env_manuscript at line 4

the relevant line in my typescript is thus:

\definefontsynonym [LibertineRegular]   [name:linuxlibertineo]   [features=default]

All other otf fonts in the same directory work. The libertine fonts (from the same files) work with other applications such as gedit, inkscape etc. (obviously not with openoffice)

What can be the problem?
