On Sat, 3 Nov 2007, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Something is broken in flowcharts. If I typeset the same flowchart twice, the comments are missing from the second chart. For example
\usemodule[chart] \setupFLOWcharts [%option=test, bodyfont=11pt, nx=4, ny=1, offset=11pt, dx=\bodyfontsize, dy=0.65\bodyfontsize, width=6\bodyfontsize, height=2.5\bodyfontsize, ] \startFLOWchart[test] \startFLOWcell \name {source} \location {1,1} \shape {procedure} \text {Source} \connection [rl] {encoder} \comment [t] {$X_t$} \stopFLOWcell \startFLOWcell \name {encoder} \location {2,1} \shape {procedure} \text {Encoder} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
\starttext \FLOWchart[test] \input knuth \FLOWchart[test] \stoptext
The second flow chart does not have $X_t$. Can someone tell what is going on?
This works....but something is really broken \starttext \FLOWcell[test] \input knuth \setvalue{\@@MPx1}{175.3406} \setvalue{\@@MPy1}{62.46541} \FLOWcell[test] \stoptext