I use (g)vim to edit both context and latex files. Unfortunately, both of them usually have *.tex extension. This mean that detecting filetype from extension is not possible, so one should look into the contents of the file to see if it a context file or not. I am planning to submit a ftdetect for context to vim. Right now, I check if the first six lines of the file contain any of '\\start\|\\enablemode\|\\unprotect\|\\setvariables\|\\module\|\\usemodule' and if so, set the filetype to context, otherwise it is set to tex (that loads latex plugins). This works for my context writing style. I would like to know about other people's preference. 1. Do you write some keyword unique to context in the first few lines of the file. Should I also check the last few line lines. 2. Are there any other keywords that you will like to include. 3. Is it enough to check the first 6 line or should I check more. I do not want to check more lines as this will make the detection slower (by a few mili secs). Thanks, Aditya -- Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008