On 8/22/06, Taco Hoekwater
Can you create (and post) a minimal input file with the problem?
The bits you posted cannot be your whole input, sicne that would not create numbers in the publication list, and my crystal ball is not translucent enough to deduce the rest of your code.
Sorry for assuming the omniscience of your crystal ball. :-) I created a simple file to illustrate my problem and, oh joys, it worked fine. Going back to my product file, I decided to make a few changes and it worked. Basically I had the following: \startbackmatter \completepublications \stopbackmatter and it didn't work. If I moved \completepublications to \startbodymatter \component chapter1 \component chapter2 \completepublications \stopbodymatter Then it will show the reference number in the body correctly. I thought it made sense to put the References in the end. Pepe