Ok Hans. Looking forward to these improvements.
hm, maybe later, when i redo that code (i never use bookmarks so i hardly test that code)
It's the same with table of contents hyperlink jumps. Quite annoying because
lots of people are used to the behavior of word/openoffice generated pdfs.
Now have to get those fonts rendered correctly with luatex...
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Hans Hagen
Alan Stone wrote:
Got fed up with context/xetex... Compiled with texmfstart texexec --lua instead and as expected (from a previous thread) bookmarks are scrambled when using accented (french) characters.
Hope this (luatex) issue will be resolved very soon.
should work with the beta
Can they be made so that they go to and include the corresponding chapter/section title, instead of jumping underneath them when in "single page continuous + page width" mode ? It works that way with word/openoffice generated pdfs.
hm, maybe later, when i redo that code (i never use bookmarks so i hardly test that code)