Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 28.09.2008 um 19:34 schrieb Mohamed Bana:
Hi everyone,
I finished my thesis, writing both my thesis and my presentation using ConTeXt.
Aditya :). But there's a still something missing that I need before I even
Aditya Mahajan wrote: thinking of typesetting an msc thesis in ConTeXt. I'd like to have something equivelant to the *listings.sty* package; http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.tex.context/15591/focus=15592 or http://vega.soi.city.ac.uk/~abbg770/listing-sample.pdf.
I setup listing first;
\lstset{breaklines=true, showlines=true, % showing line numbers numbers=left, % where to show line numbers numberstyle=\tiny\color{gray}, numbersep=10pt, % stepnumber=1, % how often to show the line number on the left language=Java, % specifiy the language basicstyle=\ttfamily\small, % print whole listing small keywordstyle=\color{eclipsekeyword}\ttfamily\underbar, % underlined bold black keywords identifierstyle=, % nothing happens commentstyle=\color{eclipsecomment}, % white comments, if you use commentstyle=\color{white}, stringstyle=\ttfamily, % typewriter type for strings showstringspaces=false, % no special string spaces frame=single, backgroundcolor=\color{white}, tabsize=4, showspaces=false, showstringspaces=false}
Includes a file, look at Listing B.2 on the pdf I posted. This should be self explanatory;
\lstinputlisting[ caption={SpreadsheetParser.java}, label=lst:SpreadsheetParser.java] {source/SpreadsheetParser.java}
I can also list inline using the same settings defined in \lstset - but it doesn't break across lines. The choice of charater is arbitrary i.e., I could have chosen to use | instead of !;
\lstinline!matcher(CharSequence input)!
Similar to preceeding, with line breaking. Also I can refer to it using; \ref{lst:freeformlogfile}
\begin{lstlisting}[frame=,label={lst:freeformlogfile},caption={Log File}] import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayReallocationDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) { int[] data1 = new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
printArray(data1); int[] data2 = Arrays.copyOf(data1, 6); data2[5] = 11; printArray(data2);
int[] data3 = Arrays.copyOfRange(data1, 2, 10); printArray(data3); }
// print array elements private static void printArray(int[] data) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("["); for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { stringBuilder.append(data[i]); if (i < data.length - 1) stringBuilder.append(", "); } stringBuilder.append("]"); System.out.println(stringBuilder); } } \end{lstlisting}
\setuptyping [JAVA] [numbering=line]
\startJAVA ... \stopJAVA
same preamble as above plus
\placelisting [split] [lst:freeformlogfile] {Log File} {\startJAVA ... \stopJAVA}
Thanks Wolfgang. Source; http://pastebin.com/m40986857 Pdf; http://filebin.ca/kceezh/listing.pdf or http://filebin.ca/kceezh I've still got some issues with it :(. I think I'll just wait till verbatim supports improves. 1. Lines protude into the margin and sometime even go past the end of the page. 2. Why doesn't it show the line numbers for the empty lines? 3. Is there a way to supress the 'there is nothing to split' warning? Mohamed