Hi experts! Consider this simple code: \defineXMLcommand [de] {\language[de]} \defineXMLcommand [end] {\disableXML} \starttext \enableXML <de/> <anytag anyattrib="Aqq"/> Ich liebe ConTeXt! <end/> \stoptext It cause en ERROR! It happens ONLY for \language[de] neither pl nor en, nl... Error message is: systems : begin file x at line 8 ! Undefined control sequence. \handlecompoundcharacter ...ndlecompoundcharacter {\dohandlecompoundcharacte... \dodoparseXMLarguments #1->\if #1 >\let \dodoparseXMLarguments \empty \else \... <argument> anyatrib=" Aqq"/ \parseXMLelement ...XMLarguments \rawXMLelement #3 >\fi \or \or \the \everyXM... l.11 <anytag anyatrib="Aqq"/> ? ! Emergency stop. \handlecompoundcharacter ...ndlecompoundcharacter {\dohandlecompoundcharacte... \dodoparseXMLarguments #1->\if #1 >\let \dodoparseXMLarguments \empty \else \... <argument> anyatrib=" Aqq"/ \parseXMLelement ...XMLarguments \rawXMLelement #3 >\fi \or \or \the \everyXM... l.11 <anytag anyatrib="Aqq"/> End of file on the terminal! Any hints? Regards, Pawe/l