It is my intention to place a list inside an itemize, and therefore prepend a \item before every list item. Thus: \startitemize \placelist[Topic][label=no,pagenumber=no,before=\item]}% \stopitemize However this doesn't work but instead gives the following error: ! Missing } inserted. <inserted text> } <to be read again> \endgroup \stopitemgroup ...xtindentation \fi \fi \endgroup \doglobal \decrement (\ite... \Topics ...enumber=no,before=\item ]}\stopitemize \def \FirstPage {Topics} l.1 \Topics{Synopsis} ? \doendoflist ->\stoppacked \endgroup \Topics ...[label=no,pagenumber=no,before=\item ]} \stopitemize \def \FirstPa... Placing the "before=\item" in the \setuplist makes no difference. Why? How can I realize the goal: placing the list entries each as an item in an itemized list? Hans van der Meer