On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, John R. Culleton wrote:
Here is a common situation. I need a doublesided layout so I can adjust the backspace. I want the header text on evens and odds centered over the text block. To simplify the issue let's say I want "left" on the evens and "right" on the odds. If I specify (per the manual) \setupheadertexts[text][left][right] then I get both words on both pages. If I use two extra sets of [] then I can get "left" on the left and "right" on the right but I cannot get them centered.
I am missing something obvious I am sure. Anyone have a firm grasp of the obvious? I don't.
If I understand you correctly, use \setupheadertexts[center]. If you want something in the left, center and right, then do
\setupheadertexts[left][right] \setupheadertexts[center]
I misread your mail. How about something like this \def\setupextendedheadertexts{% \dosixtupleempty\dosetupextendedheadertexts} \def\dosetupextendedheadertexts[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]{ \setupheadertexts[] %Empty the center headers \setupheadertexts %Odd page [{\rlap{#1}\hfill#2\hfill\llap{#3}}][] %Even page [][{\rlap{#4}\hfill#5\hfill\llap{#6}}]} \setupextendedheadertexts[odd-left][odd-center][odd-right][even-left][even-center][even-right] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{This is a test \page} \stoptext This does not take care of "magic" texts like pagenumber, section, chapter. If you want that, you can try (careful with linebreaks) \def\setupextendedheadertexts{% \dosixtupleempty\dosetupextendedheadertexts} \def\dosetupextendedheadertexts[#1][#2][#3][#4][#5][#6]{ \setupheadertexts[] %Empty the center headers \setupheadertexts %Odd page [{\rlap{\domagic{#1}}\hfill\domagic{#2}\hfill\llap{\domagic{#3}}}][] %Even page [][{\rlap{\domagic{#4}}\hfill\domagic{#5}\hfill\llap{\domagic{#6}}}]} \unprotect \def\domagic#1{% \convertargument#1\to\ascii \doifsomething\ascii{% \doifelsemarking\ascii {\getmarking[\ascii][\v!first]} {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!pagenumber{#1} \@@plaatspaginanummer {\ConvertConstantAfter\doifelse\v!date{#1} {\currentdate} {#1{}{}{}}}}}} \protect \setupextendedheadertexts[date][chapter][pagenumber][pagenumber][section][Whatever] \starttext \dorecurse{4}{ \chapter{Chapter \recurselevel} \input tufte \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf \input tufte \endgraf \section{Section} \input knuth \input knuth \input knuth } \stoptext Aditya