Fabrice Couvreur schrieb am 16.08.18 um 11:20:
Hi Henry,
Sorry for the late response. In fact, I want a margin of 20 mm around the text box. In addition, playing with the options weight = and height = some images are distorted, including the one that I join.
Thank you



This has no effect because the strut for the pagenumber text effects all entries in the footer area.

The following example to demonstrates this (line 2):


\ruledhbox to \hsize{\hbox{A}\hss\hbox{B}}

\ruledhbox to \hsize{\hbox{\strut A}\hss\hbox{B}}

\ruledhbox to \hsize{\hbox{Q}\hss\hbox{B}}

\ruledhbox to \hsize{\hbox{\smash[d]{Q}}\hss\hbox{B}}



\setupfootertexts[{Page \pagenumber\ of \goto{\lastpagenumber}[lastpage]}]




\setupfootertexts[\undepthed{Page \pagenumber\ of \goto{\lastpagenumber}[lastpage]}]




\setupfootertexts[{\framed[frame=off,offset=0pt]{Page \pagenumber\ of \goto{\lastpagenumber}[lastpage]}}]

