Dear URL experts again,
Do you have \setupinteraction[state=start] in your document? Yes the other entries have active links. Ah for some reason that works now! I must have made a mistake.
Please take a look at the following file where I have made it a little more obvious where the frames are. The from[] text has not broken itself as well as the \url[] and the \goto text. Perhaps that is intentional? For my document it seems that the \goto method is neater. So now I would like to unclutter my file with a \def\gt#1{\goto{\url[#1][url(#1)]}} But this results in many errors when I use it \gt{doc:Molik} so there must be a better way. Thanks again -- Nigel \setupcolors [state=start] \setupinteraction [state=start,focus=standard]% width \useURL [doc:Molik] [http://zskl.zsk.p.lodz.pl/~morawski/local] [Praca dyplomowa p.Molika.pdf] [http://zskl.zsk.p.lodz.pl/~morawski/local/Praca dyplomowa p.Molika.pdf] \setuplayout[middle] \setuplayout[header=0pt,footer=0pt] \starttext \startbuffer% \from [doc:Molik]\\ \url[doc:Molik]\\ \goto{\url[doc:Molik]}[url(doc:Molik)] \stopbuffer \dostepwiserecurse{10}{1}{-1} {\framed[width=\recurselevel cm,align=justified]%,height=fit {\getbuffer}} \stoptext