Hi Patrick, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
I have a (natural) table and I'd like to have three rules in that table. The toprule and the bottomrule should be .08em thick, the midrule 0.05em. What would be a way to achieve that? The example is incorrect.
\setupTABLE[r][each][frame=off] \setupTABLE[r][first][topframe=on,rulethickness=.08em] \setupTABLE[r][first][bottomframe=on,rulethickness=.05em] \setupTABLE[r][last][bottomframe=on,rulethickness=.08em] \bTABLE
You can't use different frame sizes in the same frame (as in \framed). A simple solution is \setupTABLE[r][2][topframe=on,rulethickness=.05em] instead of using a bottomframe. Or maybe better \setupTABLE[r][first][topframe=on,rulethickness=.08em, after={\hrule width\hsize height.05em}] You can adjust the vertical spacing by using \setupTABLE[r][first][topframe=on,rulethickness=.08em, after={\hbox{\raise 5pt\hbox{\vrule width\hsize height.05em}}}] But the second solution maybe has some unwanted sideeffects (page breaks,..). I've tried to use \hrule in combination with 'before=', but this does not work here. Hope this helps. Greetings, Peter
\bTR \bTD Lorem \eTD \bTD ipsum \eTD \bTD dolor sit \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD amet \eTD \bTD[nc=2] consectetuer adipiscing elit \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere\eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 2 \eTD \bTD \eTD \bTD tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, \unknown \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \eTD \bTD[nc=2] purus. Cum sociis \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 3 (natoque) \eTD \bTD penatibus \eTD \bTD \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 5 \eTD \bTD[nc=2] et magnis dis \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 6 \eTD \bTD parturient \eTD \bTD montes, nascetur ridiculus \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD \eTD \bTD mus \eTD \bTD Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor \eTD \eTR \eTABLE \stoptext