I tried building my own TOC as follows: ... \definelist[subject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubsubject][alternative=a] \definecombinedlist[foo] [subject,subsubject,subsubsubject] [level=subsubsubject,criterium=local] \setupcombinedlist[foo] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} ... \placelist[foo] \subject{Top Choices} \subsubject{General Publishing} .... This set of commands stops with errors. What stupid thing did I do this time? -- John Culleton -- John Culleton Precision Typesetting Able Indexers and Typesetters http://wexfordpress.com _________________________________________________________________ Need personalized email and website? Look no further. It's easy with Doteasy $0 Web Hosting! Learn more at www.doteasy.com