Hi to all,

I' ve started playing with xml --> context.
I've read the docs but even if I am able to do some very basic operation I'm in troubles doing my first real experiment.

I've  already generated a book from the collection of html help files of the SuperCollider language using a cumbersome python script.
But I was guessing that probably using xml mapping would make my life easier.

An example file  to be processed is here:

The html is w3c compliant and being automatically generated seems to be consistent.

I'm able to do easily stuff like this, which is a promising start:

\startenvironment scEnv
\defineXMLenvironment [body] \starttext \stoptext
%\defineXMLenvironment [style] \starthiding \stophiding
\defineXMLcommand [p] \par
\defineXMLgrouped [b] \bf

1. how do I simply skip undesired tags? The \start-\stophiding trick (which in any case does not work: why?) was a hack in order to not typeset the stile tags
2. how can i map class attributes in order to specify for each of them e.g fontname, points, color, indenting?

Thanks as usual



Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

I did this interview where I just mentioned that I read Foucault. Who doesn't in university, right? I was in this strip club giving this guy a lap dance and all he wanted to do was to discuss Foucault with me. Well, I can stand naked and do my little dance, or I can discuss Foucault, but not at the same time; too much information.
(Annabel Chong)

Andrea Valle
Università degli Studi di Torino

I did this interview where I just mentioned that I read Foucault. Who doesn't in university, right? I was in this strip club giving this guy a lap dance and all he wanted to do was to discuss Foucault with me. Well, I can stand naked and do my little dance, or I can discuss Foucault, but not at the same time; too much information.
(Annabel Chong)